Product Development

Radiant Nutraceuticals Limited

A renowned healthcare solution provider in Bangladesh

Generic brand product development

Radiant product development team develop generic brand quality products in its own laboratory, which encompasses three sections- formulation development, test method development and stability study. All these sections are well-equipped and managed by a group of people having years of experiences in product development, strong innovations, strong work skill, mutual respect, qualification in pharmacy & chemistry disciplines and commitment to develop quality product within time frame.

Strength of product development

  • Scientific systematic approaches applied to develop quality products.
  • Benchmark of innovator product.
  • Commitment to develop quality products.
  • Long term stability continued to assure shelf-life of product.
  • EU compliance sophisticated analytical machines- ICP spectrophotometer, HPLC, dissolution machine with auto sampler, big walk-in stability chamber.
  • Experienced, skilled and talented team with mutual respect.


Radiant Business Consortium Limited
Radiant Distribution Limited
Radiant Oncos Molbiol Limited
Shamutshuk Printers Limited
Aeromate Services Limited
AeroWing Aviation Limited
Radiant Care Limited