Contact us

Get in touch with us for any questions about our company

Corporate Head Office

Radiant Nutraceuticals Limited.
SKS Tower (7th Floor),
7 VIP Road, Mohakhali,
Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh.

Tel: +880 2 9835717

Fax: +880 2 55058522

Manufacturing Plant

Radiant Nutraceuticals Limited.
B-46, BSCIC Industrial Estate, Tongi,
Gazipur-1710, Bangladesh

Tel: +880 2 224410915

Tel: +880 2 224410916

Tel: +880 2 224410917

Fax: +880 2 9815204

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Confidentiality Note: Any information related to the identities of the patient and reporter will be kept confidential unless it is subject to disclose due to regulatory obligation
Radiant Business Consortium Limited
Radiant Distribution Limited
Radiant Oncos Molbiol Limited
Shamutshuk Printers Limited
Aeromate Services Limited
AeroWing Aviation Limited
Radiant Care Limited